A Bar is Born...

The V and the original V Bar maker!  

Virgil and his mom, Alice by the house he grew up in, near New Rockford, North Dakota

Sometimes, you know a great thing when you see it or...in this case, eat it!

In 2013, Virgil's mom, Alice made a batch of energy bars...and they were amazing!  Virgil experimented with the recipe, reproducing the bars with organic ingredients, and adding only things that our bodies know what to do with.  The results:  Awesomeness!

Alice also taught Virgil to share, so he began handing out his energy bars to family, friends, at parent meetings, team events, board meetings - anywhere and everywhere.  The feedback was consistent - make more!  V Bars(as they started to become known) were beginning to own the taste buds of a small nucleus of people who were looking for a healthy, great tasting energy bar.

Experiments with the recipe, shape, size and packaging continued, right along with orders, re-orders and more orders.  Virgil tested multiple flavors, and may still release new flavors in the future, but for now, there are 3 flavors that have proven to please.  

Upon relocation to Denver Colorado in September of 2014, Virgil repeated the pattern of handing out "test bars" and the number of satisfied people continued to grow.  That was all the proof he needed to know that V Bars need to be offered to the world, so here they are!